
Great Spirit Farm offers several services to support the Spiritual Growth, Transformation, Healing, Integration and expanding Consciousness of our Church members and the public:


Sacred Healing Ceremonies facilitate expanding our consciousness in a peaceful, outdoor setting where members can connect to spiritual realms through sacred plants, and grow and heal physically, mentally and spiritually, in private small group sessions. Our private healing ceremonies are a beautiful and powerful combination all our offerings in one transformational experience; Silence, Sound, Education and Integration.


Structured silent nature-based retreats facilitate reconnecting to Mother Earth, healing and spiritual growth by combining a vow of silence, spiritual coaching, guided meditation, yoga, massage and other modalities to help individuals connect to the divine teacher within themselves. Journaling and expressive art are encouraged to access flow states and the subconscious. No electronics, music or books are permitted.


Sound Healing uses crystal singing bowls, multiple gongs, didgeridoo, Native American flute, rattles and other instruments for re-balancing energy systems, calming the heart and mind, finding inspiration and clearing negative energy. Contact us today to arrange a session for your family, employees, or group.


Educational classes on local medicinal and edible wild plants (identification, use, harvesting, making medicine,) health and healing, food as medicine, holistic cooking, meditation, and transformational technologies. Contact us today to arrange a class for your family, employees, or group.


Integration Support Meetings bring Church Members together for an opportunity to share their experiences, support each other in expanding their Consciousness, Integration and Transformation while enjoying fellowship and a healthy meal with their spiritual family. In person meetings are currently on hold due to COVID-19. Contact us to be part of our online integration community via Facebook.